The Covid19 pandemic has affected mostly everyone globally. People have stopped working, stopped going to school, and the toilet paper stocks have been on the rise from all the people clearing stores of their supply. Although, this is a serious deal I quite like the alteration of my schedule. I get to become a bum that wakes up late and does nothing but sits all day and play video games, my father also stays home but he is more active than I, he does work and exercises to stay occupied. My sister on the other hand, even though just starting and being part-time, is an essential worker for Safeway. Since we are under quarantine we cannot go to school so we transitioned to learn online. I don’t feel like I’m learning anything and I’m just doing the work to get it done.
Being under the quarantine is extremely boring and I’m starting to think some uncharacteristic methods of keeping occupied. My daily/weekly routine would be to wake early up, go to school, go home, and sleep with eating somewhere in there. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I would have a parttime job to go to from 4 pm to 10 pm at a buffet restaurant. Now since being in under quarantine, my daily/weekly routine is wake up whenever, do the work due that day, play video games/watch videos, sleep late. I do this every day since the restaurant closed I don’t work anymore at the moment. Not going to lie I kinda like being a bum and mostly turning my brain off. But I’m super bored and thinking of new ways to keep occupied. I thought learning an instrument would be a good use of all this free time I have now. My father works from home now and exercises in the afternoon. His daily routine didn’t really change much aside from going to work. My sister, on the other hand, her routine has changed the most. She is considered a part-time worker, but she goes into work every day even weekends the usually 9 am to 5 pm hours. She has been working more since they are short-staffed from the quarantine.
The impact of Covid19 has greatly affected my learning. With all of my classes having to transition to online I feel lazier and not very motivated to do my work. All of my tests and quizzes are all now open notes so I feel no need to study anymore as evident in my recent tests getting close to perfect and a perfect score on them. Some of my classes don’t have a really big change now becoming online such as ICS and anthropology. For the most part, learning is similar I just get too lazy to do the work sometimes. I know the quarantine is not good for my learning with all of my slacking but, I do manage to get the work done nevertheless. Moving forward I feel I need to just do the work and keep the mindset I had before the quarantine.